------------------------------------------------------------ Darrell Bivens, Silver Bullet BBS (423) 337-9683 (423) 337-0773 (423) 337-3441 internet: darrell.bivens@silver.org ------------------------------------------------------------ What is ShezShow? ShezShow is a collection of text files, batch files and sample files, that show you how to get MORE from the Shez Archive Manager Program. The Batch files are mainly concerned with using multiple virus scanners with the Shez program. The SHEZSHOW.TXT text file explains several enhancements that you can make to your Shez program. These enhancements are numbered 1) through x) so you can search for ") " (parentheses and two spaces, don't type the quotes) to find the first of each enhancement section. These files, hints, and suggestions have been used on Shez version 10.9 with NO detected problems. Use and enjoy. Darrell Bivens How to Enhance your Shez program for maximum use! 1) Loading Shez in the TAB Window. SHEZA.BAT as an alternate viewer! Shez does not OPEN archive files inside the TAB window (on the right side of the screen) like it does in the File Window when you press the [ENTER] key. To allow Shez to work with archives in either window, I created a batch file, SHEZA.BAT, that loads another copy of Shez as an alternate viewer when you press [CTRL]-[ENTER]. To use the SHEZA.BAT file you need one line in SHEZ.INI for each file/archive type you want Shez to work with. (Sample SHEZ.INI entry, to be placed below the [External Viewers]) (line which is already in the SHEZ.INI file ) [External Viewers] ;THIS IS A REQUIRED ENTRY, TELLS SHEZ WHERE ;THE EXTERNAL VIEWER DATA BEGINS ZIP=SHEZA $F UC2=SHEZA $F ARJ=SHEZA $F LZH=SHEZA $F Now when you press [CTRL]-[ENTER] in either Window when a file with one of the above extensions is high lighted, Shez launches SHEZA.BAT as a file viewer. SHEZA.BAT file looks through several directories looking for a directory where Shez was NOT loaded from. It then changes to that directory and loads another copy of Shez against the high lighted file. When you are through working with the file, Exit Shez and you will be returned to the previous copy of Shez in memory EXACTLY where you were when you pressed [CTRL]-[ENTER]. (This works best if you have plenty of memory or a VERY FAST hard drive because Shez automatically uses the Shell function for uSer programs). 2) SHEZA.BAT as a uSer program! I have setup SHEZA.BAT as a uSer program. I left off the $f after SHEZA.BAT so I could use Shez to access any file (normal load). The only drawback in this use is that SHEZA.BAT loads Shez in the first directory where it found that Shez had NOT been loaded. For this reason you should setup SHEZA.BAT starting with the directory you WANT Shez to be loaded from on the first line and continue to the least desired loading directory as the last entry. SHEZA.BAT will only move from one directory to another if it finds Shez has already been loaded in the current directory (finding Z#\PRN). [User-menu] Name=Sheza Alternate Shez load Program=~C:\SECURITY\SHEZA.BAT|C:\TEMP When you are through working with the file(s), Exit Shez and you will be returned to the previous copy of Shez in memory EXACTLY where you were when you pressed [CTRL]-[ENTER]. 3) How to use alternate Virus Scanners in Shez! A Shez configuration file only has one entry for your virus scanning program filename and command line options. There are several ways to use more than one virus scanner in Shez. The simplest way: If you ALWAYS want to use the same scanners with the same options: create a batch file that has the correct commands and command line options for scanning. Sample SHEZSCAN.BAT: ECHO OFF IF EXIST %1 C:\TBAV\TBSCAN %1 IN NM BA LOG LN=C:\TEMP\SHEZSCAN.LOG NB NH IF NOT EXIST %1 C:\TBAV\TBSCAN %1\*.* IN NM BA LOG LN=C:\TEMP\SHEZSCAN.LOG NB NH IF ERRORLEVEL 1 CALL C:\SECURITY\SHEZFAIL TBSCAN %1 IF EXIST %1 C:\SECURITY\F-PROT %1 /REPORT=C:\TEMP\SHEZSCAN.LOG /APPEND /NOMEM /NOBOOT IF NOT EXIST %1 C:\SECURITY\F-PROT %1 /ALL /REPORT=C:\TEMP\SHEZSCAN.LOG /APPEND /NOMEM /NOBOOT IF ERRORLEVEL 1 CALL C:\SECURITY\SHEZFAIL F-PROT %1 C:\SECURITY\SCAN %1 /A /SUB /NOMEM /NOEXPIRE /NOPAUSE /HISTORY C:\TEMP\SHEZSCAN.LOG IF ERRORLEVEL 1 CALL C:\SECURITY\SHEZFAIL SCAN %1 C:\SECURITY\SCAN2 %1 /SUB /NOMEM /ALL /APPEND /REPORT C:\TEMP\SHEZSCAN.LOG IF ERRORLEVEL 1 CALL C:\SECURITY\SHEZFAIL SCAN2 %1 C:\SECURITY\AVSCAN %1 /R /S /NM /V /L+C:\TEMP\SHEZSCAN.LOG IF ERRORLEVEL 1 CALL C:\SECURITY\SHEZFAIL AVSCAN %1 and then configure Shez to use that batch filename.ext as your virus scanner. A second method is also simple: Setup different uSer Menu entries for your different Viri scanners. The limit here is that the uSer Menu entries were designed to work with the high lighted file only. To get around this, Jim added some uSer command line variables to specify different paths and directories. Added $? command line input to user menu variables. Added $CD current drive to user menu variables. Added $CP current path to user menu variables. Added $ED extract drive to user menu variables. Added $EP extract path to user menu variables. For some examples, your uSer Menu can be setup to use your favorite Viri scanner on the directory where you just extracted the files to. [User-menu] Name=McAfee Assts. Scan Program=~C:\SECURITY\SCAN.EXE $EP*.* /NOMEM /A /BELL /NOPAUSE|C:\TEMP Name=F-Prot Virus Scan One Program=~C:\SECURITY\F-PROT.EXE $EP*.* /NOBOOT /NOMEM|C:\TEMP Name=ThunderBYTE TBScan One Program=~C:\TBAV\TBSCAN.EXE $EP*.* NB NM NH AF IN BA|C:\TEMP A third method is more flexible but a little harder to setup: This method uses SHEZSET.BAT to choose which virus scanner(s) to use. You will need to make a uSer Menu entry to select your Viri Scanner using SHEZSET.BAT. You will also need to make uSer Menu entries to use SHEZSCAN.BAT for Viri Scanning. After that you can reconfigure Shez to use a different Viri scanner while Shez is loaded. [User-menu] Name=SHEZSCAN Extracted Program=~C:\SECURITY\SHEZSCAN.BAT $EP|C:\TEMP Name=SHEZSCAN Current Program=~C:\SECURITY\SHEZSCAN $CP Name=SHEZSCAN A File Program=~C:\SECURITY\SHEZSCAN $F Name=SHEZSCAN Any Program=~C:\SECURITY\SHEZSCAN $? Name=CFG SHEZSCAN Program=~C:\SECURITY\SHEZSET $?|C:\SECURITY 4) RENAME (or Rename Tagged) to FAST MOVE on the Same drive: This suggestion has been removed. Shez now uses the RENAME function internally when you choose the MOVE menu option (moving from/to the same drive). The result is the move of a file that happens just as fast as the rename of that file, even on an XT. 5) Create a file list for other programs to use. Many programs, Virus Scanners, Archive Utilities and others, can use a File List to process a BATCH of files with one command. Shez has the ability to TAG files and then run a uSer Program against these tagged files. To create a file list for other programs to use is easy. Add this uSer Menu item to the end of your SHEZ.INI file. Name=Create File List (FL.TXT) Program=COMMAND /CECHO $F >> FL.TXT|C:\TEMP You will need to change the file name (FT.TXT) to the filename.ext you want to use. Also change the default directory to the one where you want your file list created. This will always ADD to the list if it exists. Use Shez File Window to display *.* and delete the file to create another new list. Or you can use another uSer Menu entry to delete the existing file. Name=Delete File List (FL.TXT) Program=IF EXIST FT.TXT DEL FL.TXT|C:\TEMP 6) User Menu Option Freshen Extract for ZIP files. This option works best if you ONLY have SOME of the files extracted from a ZIP archive. I found that after I had registered my shareware, I removed most if not all of the DOC/README... files and often I only install SOME of the EXE/COM type files. When I update to the latest versions all I want to do is update the files (by name) that I already have installed. If additional files need to be updated/read... I use SHEZ on these files one at a time while the files are still inside the archive. Warning: This option will let PKUNZIP REPLACE files without asking for permission. This replacement is based on NAME match and a NEWER date on the file in the archve! To add the Freshen/Extract option to your User Menu you need to use a text editor and edit the SHEZ.INI file. Search for the section titled [User-menu] and under that title add the following two lines. Name=Freshen/Extract -> Extract Program=~C:\SECURITY\PKUNZIP.EXE $F $ED$EP -F|C:\TEMP After adding this opiton, you need to do two things for this to work. First, change your extract path (ALT-P) to the proper location. Second, you MUST be at the File Window. Now, high light filename.ZIP or have the ZIP files tagged (if you are processing a batch of files). When you choose "Freshen/Extract" menu option, Shez will call PKUNZIP and only UPDATE EXISTING files in the EXTRACT PATH to the latest versions. 7) SHEZ has a very powerful Macro recorder where you can record all keystrokes into a file and then playback the macro from inside Shez or from the command line. One macro that I have created, Invokes the virus scan routine on all files in the file window (SHEZAZ.MAC - now included). This works fine from within Shez but when you try to do this from the command line (specifing a file to scan), Shez first Opens the archive then scans the file. Shez is designed to Pause for review if an archive is scanned from the Compression Window (vs the File Window) thus you must play a Trick on Shez so it does not find an exact filename.ext on the command line. For instance, say you want to use Shez to virus scan a file named C:\DOWNLOAD\NEWFILE.ZIP, you must do the following. SET SHEZLOG=C:\SHEZ\SHEZ.LOG C:\SHEZ\SHEZ C:\DOWNLOAD\NEWFILE.ZIP* /PLAY=C:\SHEZ\SHEZAZ.MAC SET SHEZLOG= If you leave off the trailing * on the filename.ext, Shez Opens the archive first, which causes Shez to pause at certain screens during the Virus Scanning process. The trailing * lets SHEZAZ.MAC virus scan the file without intervention. This works great for BBS Operations... ----------------------------------------------------------------- This file/information is Freeware but I retain all rights to this work. You may use this information freely and pass it on in its unaltered form. I accept no money! If you want to pay someone then Register your copy of Shez with Jim Derr. I hope this information helps others find Shez as useful and as powerful as I have. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please leave me E-Mail using one of the methods below. Darrell Bivens, Silver Bullet BBS (423) 337-9683 (423) 337-0773 (423) 337-3441 or via internet: darrell.bivens@silver.org -==-